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Erections tablets

StaminaFit® is a plant-based compound that has a stimulating formula to support the function of the male reproductive system and to help with vitality and intimate desire.

StaminaFit® promotes a constant balance between mind and body and helps effectively fight the effects of stress.


StaminaFit is made of:

Chinese Yam

(Dioscorea opposite/batatas) 150 mg

Liquorice Root

(Glycyrrhiza glabra) 75 mg

Gorgon Fruit Lily

(Euryales ferox) 112.5mg

Chinese Chive Seed

(Allium tuberosum) 112.5mg

Chinese Wolfberry Fruit

(Lycium chinensis) 75mg

Jobs Tears Seed

(Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen) 112.5mg

Bitter Cardamom

(Alpina oxyphylla) 112.5mg

Natural erection tablets

The effectiveness of each of these ingredients cannot be denied.

The secret of StaminaFit® comes from the combination of all these ingredients at the molecular level and the fermentation process used to attack the cause of erectile dysfunction from all directions.

Two products with similar ingredients differ significantly in effectiveness. Our products are much more than a lot of herb puree. Cheap and poor quality supplements are virtually useless as they have little potency and will not improve your health.

Our scientists have discovered how to maximize potency and absorption at the molecular level using the fermentation process at different temperature levels.

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Better Sex Naturally

The best pills for a good natural erection

Better Sex Naturally

StaminaFit Tablets

StaminaFit® is a plant-based compound that has a stimulating formula to support the function of the male reproductive system and to help with vitality and intimate desire.

StaminaFit® promotes a continuous balance between mind and body.


StaminaFit stimulates blood flow to the penile area, resulting in stronger, longer-lasting erections.
Fast acting formula that works in 1 hour and can last up to 48 hours.
Encourages increased libido and sexual desire.
Intensified orgasms.
Helps improve sexual performance.
How to take this product:
For men: One tablet on an empty stomach with a full glass of water.

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